Hoi4 Naval Invasion Not Working

Hoi4 Naval Invasion Not Working 6,4/10 7070 votes

Come sempre, BoPItalia vi porta i Diari di Sviluppo della Paradox in italiano tradotti e adattati dal nostro team di redattori. Mettetevi comodi e buona lettura!

  1. Hoi4 Naval Invasion Not Working 2017

NOTE: In order to use this command, you must add '-debug' to your HOI4 launch options - it will not work otherwise. Executing this command will cause naval invasions to skip preparation time. Nu: nu amount NOTE: This is a Pre-1.5 command. It will not work in later versions. As a minor nation you will rarely have the time or the resources to build a navy rivaling the power of the Royal Navy or the US Navy, so I'd recommend focusing on air power.

Ciao a tutti! Sono tornato [podcat] dalla Conferenza degli sviluppatori videoludici di San Francisco e sono ancora nel dolce abbraccio spezzanima del jet lag! La scorsa settimana è stato molto divertente parlare con altri sviluppatori, imparare dalle lezioni e mangiare cibo americano (hamburger!). Mentre ero lì, il team ha lavorato alla patch 1.6.2. Quindi oggi ci saranno aggiornamenti al riguardo, breve e concisi, divertitevi!

Abbiamo sistemato ogni genere di cose, ma qui ci sono alcuni punti salienti:

  • Aumento dei bonus di ricerca. Abbiamo rivisto le nostre stime al ribasso sui nuovi impatti della ricerca tecnologica la cui idea era che sarebbe stata molto più veloce. Per far ciò abbiamo potenziato i team di ricerca e i ministri.
    Aiutare i sovietici a difendersi meglio. Abbiamo identificato alcuni comportamenti, come la tendenza a tenere le unità lungo il fronte giapponese nonostante vi siano buchi sul fronte europeo (questo causava molti problemi).
  • Far si che gli Alleati tenessero più all’Africa. Mantenere l’Africa è piuttosto difficile per gli Alleati ma dovrebbe essere una priorità e gli Alleati ora vi combatteranno di conseguenza. Ci dovrebbe essere anche un miglioramento per l’IA inglese per quanto riguarda la scelta di ministri e focus.
  • Le invasioni sono state migliorate un po’ e questo ha lasciato che il Giappone sia un po’ troppo attivo soprattuto nello sconfiggere la cina. Abbiamo un po’ rallentato questa sua voglia di fare a meno che non stia combattendo contro un giocatore.
  • I nomi degli squadroni aerei non vengono più resettati dopo la chiusura del gioco, e molte altre correzioni…

Il patchlog dalla scorsa settimana dovrebbe essere così e dovremmo entrare nella beta aperta stasera. Abbiamo quindi in programma di lasciarlo durante il fine settimana per farlo testare a voi ragazzi.

# Bugfix
– AI can now accept a fuel incoming lend lease.
– Fixed taken states not being colored properly during a peace conference
– Fixed some decisions on a revolter country disapearing after loading a save
– Correctly change leader trait icons in army badge when switching between leaders where one has exile leader traits and the other does not.
– fixed naval mission assignment not working correctly with taskforces on repairs
– fixed an issue where countries occupying Manchuria would get reports about finding communist sleeper cells while allied with communist china
– fixed anniversary pack not being loaded
– review fixes
– Fixed newly created ships teleporting to the task force set as their deployment target
– Fixed auto balance task force not working
– Fix fuel lend lease. It was full of minor bugs.
– Selecting a decolonized Asia in the game rules will now also grant independence to Malaya.
– Fixed new Maltese fascist flag not showing up properly.
– fixed two instances in US events giving incorrect amounts of party popularity
– fixed ai sending invalid commands with foreign templates
– Fixed Expose the Belly of the Bear events not being sent out, as well as having incorrect requirement triggers.
– fixed a way to create invalid paradrop orders and fixed a ctd that is caused by that
– Converted Battleship and Converted Cruiser Hulls use now the right 3D model as the best match in the Ship Designer.
– Fixed ships from reserve not reinforcing if the reserve task force has at least one ship repairing
– locked the Silver Legion special template gained during the Fascist US civil war
– fixed some localization issues with dynamic modifiers
– fixed stability & war support values not giving all bonuses in some cases
– fixed some scripted diplomatic action issued that broke actions that requires acceptance
– moved lights of Los Angeles to correct province position
– Abdicating after getting “King’s Support Forms” will now correctly remove the beneficial spirit granted by that event.
– fixed a original_tag problem related to reusing of dynamic tags
– Now display correct naval supremacy in naval invasion tooltip.
– fixed a ctd while loading saves
– De Gaulle will no longer be incorrectly removed as Free France’s leader.
– Added Halifax to the bypass conditions of Motion of No Confidence.
– Added certain stipulations for Coerce Spain and Coerce Greece focuses.
– Only one Rebuild the Nation decision will now be available if you switch ideology using a civil war.
– Alliance with Germany now requires Germany to be fascist only.
– The number of factories displayed in war overview is now consistent with the number in topbar.
– Fixed an effect that was deleting a division template without deleting all divisions using that template, specifically volunteers and expeditionary forces, leading to potential memory problems and crashes.
– Fixed the game generating a definition.csv file that would override the original in case the later was missing some entries
– Mexico without Man the Guns enabled (and therefore with no ability to nationalize the oil fields) will now have control over its own oil from the start of the game.
– Fixed airwing name not being loaded from save
– Fixed DOD unique motorized icons to correctly shop up in the production tab.
– Fixed reserve fleet getting merged on daily tick if in the same naval base

# Balance
– naval mission efficiency will now go even lower if you don’t have enough ships/taskforces for the assigned regions
– Nationalist Spain will not lose the “recovering from the Civil War” national spirit in historical focus mode, thus preventing them from joining the war
– Atlantic Fleet Designer now adds 10% HP to Carriers
– Armor upgrade for Carriers now adds 1% HP per level (non-MtG only)
– research companies research bonus 10% to 15%
– doctrine ministers research bonus 7% to 10% and 10% to 15%
– electron mechanical engineering research bonus 2% to 3%
– mechanical computer research bonus 3% to 4%
– computing machine research bonus 3% to 5%
– improved computing machine research bonus 5% to 8%
– advanced computing machine research bonus 5 to 8%
– focus: give refuge to scientist research bonus 3% to 5%

# UI
– Fixed Benelux formation news event properly referring to Netherlands’ original name, rather than the new Benelux name.
– It is now possible to select a theater as a deployment target which will put the newly created ships in that theater’s reserve fleet
– Now showing the task force insignia when selecting a task force as deployment target
– Finnish neutrality party was renamed
– Task forces created through the Move Ships Window now copy the insignia from the original task force
– Fixed timed decision showing 999 instead of a progressbar
– Dive bomber trait in admiral skill tree now correctly identifies bonus as only applying to carrier planes
– Minor loc fix to Dutch Trade Neutrality news event option text.
– Added list of required module slots that are empty to the save button tooltip when designing a ship
– Fixed invalid ‘no mission set’ warning on a task force with a mission but currently refitting or repairing

# AI
– Britain should now care more about Africa as well as other area prio tweaks
– ENG will avoid channel if it is at war with GER
– British AI should now pick ministers better to make use of Stanley Baldwin (a first in British history)
– British AI should no longer take early mobilization if it has better use of the political power
– British AI should no longer waste pp on resource prospecting if it has better things to do
– British AI should no longer offer refuge to German scientist until a certain amount of time has passed
– Italy alternate fascist plan will now result in Italy First, rather than Pact of Steel
– Both sides of the Suez Canal are now considered part of Africa for the purpose of AI calculations (still separate for all other purposes)
– blocked ai from creating naval missions in blocked regions
= 600 will disable regions for missions as well now. Germany disables the channel if ENG is still a threat”}”>- naval_avoid_region >= 600 will disable regions for missions as well now. Germany disables the channel if ENG is still a threat
– historical Yugoslavian AI will no longer take Greater Yugoslavia
– added an AI strategy to Hungary to prevent them from joining the axis before it is historical if historical focuses are on
– ai is now less reluctant/random about upgrading its ship designs
– fixed a bug preventing the Soviet AI from researching Fighters II
– the Soviet union will no longer pick the War with Japan focus while fighting with Germany
0 and less about other non dangerous fronts”}”>- ai will care more about home fronts that have actual enemies if surrender process is >0 and less about other non dangerous fronts
– ai won’t care about guarantees that are guaranteeing an enemy that has offensive war against us or a war that started long ago
– Improved UK historical focus selection order
– Japan will now avoid too aggressive early invasions

# Stability & Performance
– Protected against a buffer overflow.
– Detected and skipped a certain type of invalid mipmap data in dds files.
– Fixed CTD when reordering pinned strategic regions

# Modding
– added is_valid_root trigger for targeted decision. this is checked before checking all targets and if false, will skip that targeted decision completely
– added game variables fuel_k & max_fuel_k
– fixed example of scripted diplo actions & fixed some string problems

# Database
– Tweaked Chamberlain resigns event to now require Poland to have fallen, and slightly increased the required surrender progress required for Denmark, Norway, the Low Countries, or France.
– The US now correctly starts with 2 Yorktown Carriers under construction in 1936 (MtG only due to balance concerns)
– Italy now correctly has two Littoria-Class Battleships under construction in 1936 (MtG only)
– changed some starting technologies for Italy
– France now starts with 1 Richelieu Class Battleship under construction in 1936 (Richelieu) and two more under construction in 1939 (Jean Bart and Clemenceau) (MtG only)
– added HMS Aurora to British starting construction (MtG only)
– moved Town Class Light Cruiser template to 1936 start, added 5 ships to British starting construction in 1936
– Added Marines division template to HOL
– Added portrait for Ataturk
– added and tweaked a number of division name lists for various countries
– Commonwealth Ties can now be taken if UK is overlord of Dominion civil war factions, as well (and applies the relationship boost to those countries).
– Adjusted requirement for Imperial Conference to no longer be impossible if UK accepts Destroyers for Bases offer from USA.
– removed the claim Romania gets on Bulgaria from the relevant event
– Reach out to the Ware Group is now available for both democratic and communist governments

# Bugfix
– AI can now accept a fuel incoming lend lease.
– Fixed taken states not being colored properly during a peace conference
– Fixed some decisions on a revolter country disapearing after loading a save
– Correctly change leader trait icons in army badge when switching between leaders where one has exile leader traits and the other does not.
– fixed naval mission assignment not working correctly with taskforces on repairs
– fixed an issue where countries occupying Manchuria would get reports about finding communist sleeper cells while allied with communist china
– fixed anniversary pack not being loaded
– review fixes
– Fixed newly created ships teleporting to the task force set as their deployment target
– Fixed auto balance task force not working
– Fix fuel lend lease. It was full of minor bugs.
– Selecting a decolonized Asia in the game rules will now also grant independence to Malaya.
– Fixed new Maltese fascist flag not showing up properly.
– fixed two instances in US events giving incorrect amounts of party popularity
– fixed ai sending invalid commands with foreign templates
– Fixed Expose the Belly of the Bear events not being sent out, as well as having incorrect requirement triggers.
– fixed a way to create invalid paradrop orders and fixed a ctd that is caused by that
– Converted Battleship and Converted Cruiser Hulls use now the right 3D model as the best match in the Ship Designer.
– Fixed ships from reserve not reinforcing if the reserve task force has at least one ship repairing
– locked the Silver Legion special template gained during the Fascist US civil war
– fixed some localization issues with dynamic modifiers
– fixed stability & war support values not giving all bonuses in some cases
– fixed some scripted diplomatic action issued that broke actions that requires acceptance
– moved lights of Los Angeles to correct province position
– Abdicating after getting “King’s Support Forms” will now correctly remove the beneficial spirit granted by that event.
– fixed a original_tag problem related to reusing of dynamic tags
– Now display correct naval supremacy in naval invasion tooltip.
– fixed a ctd while loading saves
– De Gaulle will no longer be incorrectly removed as Free France’s leader.
– Added Halifax to the bypass conditions of Motion of No Confidence.
– Added certain stipulations for Coerce Spain and Coerce Greece focuses.
– Only one Rebuild the Nation decision will now be available if you switch ideology using a civil war.
– Alliance with Germany now requires Germany to be fascist only.
– The number of factories displayed in war overview is now consistent with the number in topbar.
– Fixed an effect that was deleting a division template without deleting all divisions using that template, specifically volunteers and expeditionary forces, leading to potential memory problems and crashes.
– Fixed the game generating a definition.csv file that would override the original in case the later was missing some entries
– Mexico without Man the Guns enabled (and therefore with no ability to nationalize the oil fields) will now have control over its own oil from the start of the game.
– Fixed airwing name not being loaded from save
– Fixed DOD unique motorized icons to correctly shop up in the production tab.
– Fixed reserve fleet getting merged on daily tick if in the same naval base

# Balance
– naval mission efficiency will now go even lower if you don’t have enough ships/taskforces for the assigned regions
– Nationalist Spain will not lose the “recovering from the Civil War” national spirit in historical focus mode, thus preventing them from joining the war
– Atlantic Fleet Designer now adds 10% HP to Carriers
– Armor upgrade for Carriers now adds 1% HP per level (non-MtG only)
– research companies research bonus 10% to 15%
– doctrine ministers research bonus 7% to 10% and 10% to 15%
– electron mechanical engineering research bonus 2% to 3%
– mechanical computer research bonus 3% to 4%
– computing machine research bonus 3% to 5%
– improved computing machine research bonus 5% to 8%
– advanced computing machine research bonus 5 to 8%
– focus: give refuge to scientist research bonus 3% to 5%


# UI
– Fixed Benelux formation news event properly referring to Netherlands’ original name, rather than the new Benelux name.
– It is now possible to select a theater as a deployment target which will put the newly created ships in that theater’s reserve fleet
– Now showing the task force insignia when selecting a task force as deployment target
– Finnish neutrality party was renamed
– Task forces created through the Move Ships Window now copy the insignia from the original task force
– Fixed timed decision showing 999 instead of a progressbar
– Dive bomber trait in admiral skill tree now correctly identifies bonus as only applying to carrier planes
– Minor loc fix to Dutch Trade Neutrality news event option text.
– Added list of required module slots that are empty to the save button tooltip when designing a ship
– Fixed invalid ‘no mission set’ warning on a task force with a mission but currently refitting or repairing

# AI
– Britain should now care more about Africa as well as other area prio tweaks
– ENG will avoid channel if it is at war with GER
– British AI should now pick ministers better to make use of Stanley Baldwin (a first in British history)
– British AI should no longer take early mobilization if it has better use of the political power
– British AI should no longer waste pp on resource prospecting if it has better things to do
– British AI should no longer offer refuge to German scientist until a certain amount of time has passed
– Italy alternate fascist plan will now result in Italy First, rather than Pact of Steel
– Both sides of the Suez Canal are now considered part of Africa for the purpose of AI calculations (still separate for all other purposes)
– blocked ai from creating naval missions in blocked regions
= 600 will disable regions for missions as well now. Germany disables the channel if ENG is still a threat”}”>- naval_avoid_region >= 600 will disable regions for missions as well now. Germany disables the channel if ENG is still a threat
– historical Yugoslavian AI will no longer take Greater Yugoslavia
– added an AI strategy to Hungary to prevent them from joining the axis before it is historical if historical focuses are on
– ai is now less reluctant/random about upgrading its ship designs
– fixed a bug preventing the Soviet AI from researching Fighters II
– the Soviet union will no longer pick the War with Japan focus while fighting with Germany
0 and less about other non dangerous fronts”}”>- ai will care more about home fronts that have actual enemies if surrender process is >0 and less about other non dangerous fronts
– ai won’t care about guarantees that are guaranteeing an enemy that has offensive war against us or a war that started long ago
– Improved UK historical focus selection order
– Japan will now avoid too aggressive early invasions

# Stability & Performance
– Protected against a buffer overflow.
– Detected and skipped a certain type of invalid mipmap data in dds files.
– Fixed CTD when reordering pinned strategic regions

Hoi4 Naval Invasion Not Working 2017

# Modding
– added is_valid_root trigger for targeted decision. this is checked before checking all targets and if false, will skip that targeted decision completely
– added game variables fuel_k & max_fuel_k
– fixed example of scripted diplo actions & fixed some string problems

# Database
– Tweaked Chamberlain resigns event to now require Poland to have fallen, and slightly increased the required surrender progress required for Denmark, Norway, the Low Countries, or France.
– The US now correctly starts with 2 Yorktown Carriers under construction in 1936 (MtG only due to balance concerns)
– Italy now correctly has two Littoria-Class Battleships under construction in 1936 (MtG only)
– changed some starting technologies for Italy
– France now starts with 1 Richelieu Class Battleship under construction in 1936 (Richelieu) and two more under construction in 1939 (Jean Bart and Clemenceau) (MtG only)
– added HMS Aurora to British starting construction (MtG only)
– moved Town Class Light Cruiser template to 1936 start, added 5 ships to British starting construction in 1936
– Added Marines division template to HOL
– Added portrait for Ataturk
– added and tweaked a number of division name lists for various countries
– Commonwealth Ties can now be taken if UK is overlord of Dominion civil war factions, as well (and applies the relationship boost to those countries).
– Adjusted requirement for Imperial Conference to no longer be impossible if UK accepts Destroyers for Bases offer from USA.
– removed the claim Romania gets on Bulgaria from the relevant event
– Reach out to the Ware Group is now available for both democratic and communist governments

Per il patchlog completo della 1.6.2 (enorme) o se vuoi aiutare il test vai a controllare il thread apposito della beta 1.6.2.Hoi4 how to naval invade

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