Stealing In Divinity Original Sin 2

Stealing In Divinity Original Sin 2 6,1/10 4857 votes
  1. Divinity Original Sin 2 Stealing Tips
Posted by1 year ago

First few informations:

  • you cant picpocket same NPC twice (not even with second character in the team)

  • gold can never be marked as stolen but when you allow NPC to search your pockets he finds out that's his gold

  • even if gold cant be marked as stolen you cant pickpocket same NPC twice

  • most npc when you level up will have new items so decide earlier when you pickpocket

  • children when pickpocketed wont search for thief

  • use teleport to move chests and steal their loot

  • you can sell stolen item to npc which from it was stolen and even wear it in front of this npc

  • each point in thievery adds 1000 gold and 2kg in weigth (lvl 6 = 12kg, 6000 gold), then lvl 7 = 14kg, 9400 gold, lvl 8 = 16kg, 14800 gold

  • line of sight cant be blocked by any items (like screens / barrels / crates) - it wont help when there's many npcs in same room

  • try to use teleport spell to search for visible items to steal (They marked as yellow/green/red)

  • before stealing check if the npc have some items with +x thievery and buy them (you can steal more that way and get back your gold)

  • if you stealing a lot items from one npc check first which one you want to steal (when npc moving it's important becouse there's limited time to steal)

  • when you're about to get lvl dont steal from npc - get the lvl first (then the new items appear)

  • if you have a lot of items to sell first try to sell them for items which you want (or gold) and then steal (clean inventory)

  • when you're searched after robbery npc looking to all team members pockets even if you're alone and teammates are far away

  • when you steal items and run away with stolen goods you can place person with high persuasion next to npc - it should be enough to persuade npc to stop looking but sometimes npc going for your next character so if you need to practice best way is to put the person with high persuasion next to npc or just run away with whole team after stealing

How to steal:

There are few methods:

'Divinity: Original Sin 2 is a single- and multiplayer top-down, party-based role-playing game with pen & paper RPG-like levels of freedom. It features turn-based combat, a strong focus on systematic gameplay and a well-grounded narrative.' - Larian Studios. Initial Gameplay Concepts. Once in jail, you need your seccond character to send you some lockpicks. You can simply drag them from your non imprisoned char to the one in jail through the shared inventory.

  1. steal one or few items and quickly drop them on ground - after that you can be eaisly searched even if stolen item is in front of you. This is a good method if you dont want to steal much. Try to remember which item was stolen or keep inventory empty

  2. invest more points in thievery (and +x thievery on items). This will allow to steal more but also you need to be quicker when npc is moving after few seconds. If npc is moving try to block him with crates/barrels/etc. and even bodyblock with teammates. When npc faces wrong direction try talk with him (use second character from your team) - then he will face you and thief can sneak at his back.

  3. put in a bag/backpack exactly the same amout of gold which npc have then trade this bag for gold. After that buyback your bag for gold - you'll recieve all your gold and npcs gold. This is a bug and works only on gold.

Advanced stealing tactics:

  1. sometimes is usefull to get some +x sneaking on gear - it will reduce line of sight of npcs from which you want to steal and npcs around

  2. Moving NPCs

When certain npc moving a lot follow his/her path and find the place in which is good to try steal. After that create small circle using barrels/chairs/stools/teammates but leave a small entrance to get npc inside. After that bodyblock npc with thief or another barrel and eaisly pickpoctet.

3) Sitting NPCs:

A) when npc moving around and when he's back he's always sitting on same chair just move that chair to place where noones watching

B) when npc sitting (not moving around) - use telekinesis or strong teammate to move chair in better place to steal (you'll get negative attitude but who cares)

C) npc sitting on bench. Bench cant be moved / teleported / destroyed. There's not enough space to get behind npc or from his left or right. This need all 4 teammates to work. 3 teammates need to be sitting on bench (no space for npc to sit). Best scenario is to put teammate with high persuasion in the middle. After that npc glitches sometimes and you can pickpocket him but he also can walk away. Best way is to use 2-3 crates/barrels/chairs/stools (1 for left and right side) - this always guarantee that npc wont be moving when approached from behind. Great example is dwarf in Driftwood near the champion arena with a lot of epic/legendary items. This as mentioned requires person with high persuasion becouse you trapped npc in the middle and the closest person to him is your persuasion character which will be suspected first. There's not enough time to get all 4 teammates escape (they cant be merged to sit on bench together) but with persuasion there's plenty of time to get all to safety. Keep your distance becouse npc will search for next teammate to search (it may not have enough persuasion to go away unsuspected)

D) when npc sitting on bench/chair or just wont move if you have undead in the team remove helmet to scare npc (sometimes triggers a fight)

4) Teleport

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Divinity Original Sin 2 Stealing Tips


Some NPCs/quest NPCs/mainquest NPCs can be teleported whitout starting a fight (example: Gratiana from act 1 near waypoint). Best way it to check teleport range and prepare some barrel blockade or just bodyblock. In Gratiana's exaple it's good to teleport her in the opposite side of river. Depending from the place npc will move (use barrels or someting else) or just glitches facing one direction (talk to npc when the facing direction is bad)

Hope it helped someone.

It's my 1st post - I apologize for my bad language.

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