Aquastudio Export Data To Exel
There are numerous methods for exporting R objects into other formats . For SPSS, SAS and Stata, you will need to load the foreign packages. For Excel, you will need the xlsReadWrite package.
To A Tab Delimited Text File
write.table(mydata, 'c:/mydata.txt', sep='t')
Aqua Data Studio now supports Microsoft Excel, giving you the ability to connect, query and generate results from XLS and XLSX files. With Aqua Data Studio 15.0, you can register a Microsoft Excel connection to a directory containing Excel files and use features such as the Query Analyzer, VA, Export Tool and Query Builder. How to export data from powerapps to excel(by user), I know there is CDM table export but I do not want user to see entire CDM table. I need a functionality in powerapps that exports current screen set data to excel, pdf, word etc.
To an Excel Spreadsheet
write.xlsx(mydata, 'c:/mydata.xlsx')
Uninstall Aqua Data Studio
(To work with R and Excel, try this interactive course on importing data in R.)
# write out text datafile and
# an SPSS program to read it
write.foreign(mydata, 'c:/mydata.txt', 'c:/mydata.sps', package='SPSS')
(Alternatively, to practice importing SPSS data with the foreign package, try this exercise.)
Export Import Data India
# write out text datafile and
# an SAS program to read it
write.foreign(mydata, 'c:/mydata.txt', 'c:/', package='SAS')
To Stata
Export Data From Excel To Excel
# export data frame to Stata binary format
write.dta(mydata, 'c:/mydata.dta')
(Alternatively, to practice importing Stata data with the foreign package, try this exercise.)